在中学英语教学中常会碰到一些“异常”的英语用法。所谓“异常”,只是相对于中学英语知识范围而言,显得少见而已,其实也是英语中的习惯用法。也许正因为如此,才更能说明语言的约定俗成性。现将新课程中学英语的一些异常用法集录下来供参考。 一、介词类 我们知道,介词后面所带的是宾语,可以是名词、代词、动名词、数词、“the + 形容词”或短语、从句等,但下面的用法明显不同(要求学生作整体词块来记忆、运用,不宜作结构分析): 1.for + adj./ p.p. Bob asked all the airlines to fly the pop stars for free(免费). The largest dictionary in the world is the Oxford English Dictionary, or OED for short (简称). Galileo never took anything for granted(想当然). We weren’t playing for real(玩真的). No one knows for certain / sure(肯定地, 明确地) how the statues were transported by the islanders. 2.from + adv./ 介词短语(表示地点位置) These visitors all come from abroad(自国外). Seen from above(从上面), the fields looked like a geometrical pattern. The big snake crawled up the rock from below(从下面). I heard a voice from behind the wall(自墙后). In the darkness I saw two green eyes staring at me from among the trees(自树丛中). 3.in + adj. 这些已构成固定词块:in common(共同,共有,公有), in brief(总之,简言之), in general(总的来说,通常,大体上), in particular(尤其,特别,具体的), in short(总之,简言之)等等。 二、连词类 1.like 作连词用的like只用于非正式场合, 尤其是美国英语口语中。词典里可查到like的以下两种意义的用法: (1)in the same way as...(相当于连词as,意为“如同,像……一样”) ; (2) 相当于as if,可代替as if或as though,用于act like, behave like, look like, sound like等结构。 She acts like she owns the place. No one sings the blues like she did. Like I said ( = As I said before ), you’re always welcome to stay. I hope I can drive the tractor like you do. It doesn’t look like we’ll be moving after all. I hope I don’t sound like I’m criticizing you. They don’t talk like they do on our listening tapes. 而在“It was wonderful, like a dream come true.”这一句中,like却是介词,come true是作补足语用的。 实际上,书面语中也有出现这种用法,如: When you move away from the picture, the dots of colors blend together and the painting looks like it has light playing on the people and objects in the picture.[1] 2.but, except, besides + ( to ) do... 如果英语句子中有这些连词,且前面存在有用作实意动词的do的各种形式,这时的不定式就不带to, 即所谓“有do没to”的用法。 I had no choice but to sign the contract. She had nothing to do but go home. He did nothing that day except eat and sleep. What have you done besides swim in the stream? 3.but + 动词原形 主要用在cannot but, cannot choose but和cannot help but等结构中,意为“不得不,不禁,只好,只得”(语义上相当于have no choice but to do...)。 I cannot but admire his courage. They couldn’t choose but give up the plan. She couldn’t help but wonder ( = couldn’t help wondering ) what he was thinking. 4.but引导定语从句 当but引导定语从句时,具有否定意义,相当于 who...not... / that...not...,常用于 “no / little / few + n. + but ” 等结构(即双重否定变成肯定)。 (1) In China there is no one but knows Lei Feng. = In China there is no one who doesn’t know Lei Feng. (2) There is no rule but has exceptions. = There is no rule that doesn’t have exceptions. (3) In our class there were few students but worked out this simple problem. (4) He has little of his spare time but is used for his studies. 三、动词类 1.be + being + 表语 这个用法就是静态动词be的进行时用法,可表示赞赏、责备、讽刺、惊异、假装、尽力等。[2] He is always being diligent. No wonder he can succeed. She hates it that you are always being over careful. You are often being clever. (你常耍小聪明。) You’re being so irresponsible. (你竟这么不负责任。) I am being easygoing. = I am trying to be easygoing. 而be的进行时的否定式常表示肯定: I am not being patient. = I am doing things patiently. (我做事够耐心的了。) 2. cannot / can’t / can never 构成的特殊用法 cannot... too... / cannot... over... / cannot... enough / can never... too ...等,意为“越……越好;再……也不过分 / 也不嫌…… / 也不觉得太……”。 You cannot be too careful in doing these exercises. He told me I could not keep over sensitive to political change. I cannot thank you enough.(我对你感激不尽。) A: A man can never have too many ties. B: And a woman can’t have too many hats.[3] 3. cast down cast down 意为“沮丧,不愉快”,但只作表语,常用的有be cast down。 He was much cast down by his failure to find work. He was cast down by the result of the experiment. 4. die + adj./ n. 不及物动词后面只可带状语, 少数不及物动词可构成同源动宾结构(同源宾语)。但不及物动词die的后面却可带adj./ n.,实属少见。 At last he died happy. ( = ... died a happy death. ) She died young. Liu Hulan died a heroine. It was said that he died a beggar. 5.judging from / by... to judge from / by... (从 / 通过……来判断) 动词judge只用这两种非谓语形式作句首状语,不用过去分词形式(尽管从语义上看,该用过去分词表示被动意义——被判断)。 Judging by her last letter, they are having a wonderful time. To judge from what he said, he was very disappointed. 6.seat oneself / be seated 动词seat只有这两种用法,用作非谓语动词时还得把be去掉。 You can see many people seated and waiting in the room for the famous singer. Seating himself / Seated / Sitting at the front door, he smoked and sighed. 7.sleep late:睡得久(迟起床) stay up / sit up late / go to bed late:睡得迟(迟去睡) 8.would rather + 主谓(从句) 情态动词would rather 后面没有动词就直接带从句了,这是个很特别的用法。这个从句要用虚拟语气,即would rather sb did... / sb had done... ( 宁愿…… / 但愿…… ),谓语用一般过去时态表示“现在或将来”做的事,用过去完成时态表示“过去”做过的事。 I would rather he didn’t come today. I would rather you hadn’t done wrong to him before. 四、介词化、连词化了的分词 以下几个分词又可用作介词或连词: concerning 关于;涉及 considering 鉴于;就……而言;考虑到 given ( that...) 鉴于;如果考虑到 including 包括;包含 provided that... = providing that... 假若;只要(指好的条件) supposing ( that )... 假如;设想 He asked several questions concerning the future of the company. Considering he’s only just started, he knows quite a lot about it. Given his age, he’s remarkably active. Six people were killed in the riot, including a policeman. Provided / Providing that you have the money in your account, you can withdraw up to £100 a day. Supposing ( that ) you are wrong, what will you do then? 五、代词it 1. it 充当形式宾语的特殊用法 当appreciate, dislike, like, hate, love, make (成功,按时到达),have (表明,坚持说), take (认为, 猜想), hide (隐瞒), publish (公布), put (表达,写出来),answer for (担保,保证), count on (期待), depend on(依靠), insist on, see to (确保), rely on (信赖,相信)等动词、动词词组后面接if,when,that等引导的从句时,从句前头要先加it作形式宾语。 I would appreciate it if you could come to my birthday party. I hate it when people talk with their mouths full.(1998年全国高考) I take it that you will be leaving Shanghai soon. We published it that we had finished the project ahead of time. We will answer for it that all the products will be up to the mark (合格). I am counting on it that you will come. She will see to it that he goes ahead. You may rely on it that the work will be finished ahead of time. 2. it常用在以下词块中,没有确切的含义,只帮助构成习语 keep it up, take it easy, make it(成功),thought it(想到了), guess it(猜对了),get it / got it(明白,理解,猜中,答对了),so it seems(好像如此),go for it(努力,加油,走向目标),watch it(注意)。 其他较常用的还有:catch it(被骂),foot it(步行去),hit it(说对了,猜对),put it on(夸大其辞,吹牛),take it(能忍受困难/处罚/批评等),go it(赶快了),beat it(出去,急速离开),kick it(戒掉),have had it(受够了,吃尽苦头,无法忍受)。[4] I can’t help it. (我没办法。) That’s it. (这就对了。) Get with it! (振作精神。) Keep at it! (坚持下去。) 六、其他 1.关于“ 很 (非常、相当)”的用法 (1) 很值得:be well worthy of... / be well worth... (2) 与某人相处得很好:get on / along well with sb 某事进展很好(顺利):get on / along well with sth (3) 对……很满意、满足:be well content with...;be very / quite pleased with... (4) 很喜欢:like...very much/be very fond of... (5) 穿着很好:be well dressed (6) 很受欢迎:be well received (7) 记得很清楚:well remember... / remember...very well (8) 很适应:adapt well to... / be well adapted to... / fit in well (9) 很可能 / 不可能:It is most likely / unlikely that...;It is quite possible / impossible that... (10) 很精彩:quite wonderful 很完美:quite perfect 很优秀:quite excellent (11) 很受赏识:be much appreciated by... (12) 很明白、很了解:be well aware of... (13) 很有经验:be wellexperienced (14) 看起来很像……:look very much like... (15) 很想念……:miss...badly / greatly / terribly / very much (16) 很重要:be of great importance / be very important (17) 很受感动:be greatly affected 2.sick与ill a sick man 病人 an ill man 坏蛋 ( = a bad man ) (当ill意为“生病的”时,只作表语,不作定语) 3.not a bit与not a little not a bit = not at all根本不;一点也不 not a little = rather / very 很;相当;不止一点 参考文献 [1] 林翠菊,田品晶. 新课标教案·英语·选修6[M].北京/延吉:人民教育出版社/延边教育出版社,2006. [2] 吴洪亮.对静态动词be的进行时用法探究[J]. 中小学英语教学与研究,2008(8). [3] 亚历山大(L. G. ALEXANDER),何其莘. 新概念英语2(新版)[M]. 北京/香港:外语教学与研究出版社/朗文出版亚洲有限公司,1997. |